Collects: Chase #1-9, 1,000,000, and several Secret Files backups (1998-2002)
Released: December 2011 (DC)
Format: 352 pages / color / $29.99 / ISBN: 9781401232771
What is this?: An agent for the Department of Extranormal Operations deals with the heroes and villains of the DC Universe.
The culprits: Writer Dan Curtis Johnson and artist / co-plotter J.H. Williams III
It’s not often that a penciler gets top billing over a writer on a book. It’s merely a convention that puts the writer first, but it’s a strong one, one that neither publishers nor readers violate without some overriding reason. That being said, there’s a short list of comic book artist who deserves to be listed first, and J.H. Williams III is definitely on that list.

It’s not surprising that DC can collect the entire run of Chase in a single paperback volume and still have room left over for tie-in issues. DC’s trades are often excellent values, but Chase lasted only nine issues plus a 1,000,000 issue, which served as the series’s tombstone. That’s an incredibly short run, probably because it featured a new, low-power protagonist — a new female low-power protagonist in the DCU. By some lights, it’s a miracle it got nine issues. That’s not to say Chase deserved only nine issues, though.
In theory — at least for those unversed in comic-book viability — Chase is a good idea for a series. (It actually is a good idea for a TV show, I think.) Chase travels through the DC universe for the Department of Extranormal Operations, giving her the ability interact with almost any hero or villain. Williams and Johnson have her dealing with the Suicide Squad, Rocket Reds, Batman, Teen Titans, Booster Gold, and a couple of Green Lanterns. She has an interesting backstory: a childhood with a father who was a crap superhero, an adulthood career as a private investigator before she joined the DEO. Williams and Johnson delve deep into her past, with two flashback issues featuring her and another PI fighting the Cult of the Broken Circle. Both stories are fun, and I suspect there were a lot more stories of that type that Williams and Johnson could have told, but I’m also sure two flashback issues in the first nine didn’t help sales any. (Nor would the 1,000,000 crossover issue, if it hadn’t been the last issue.) I’m unconvinced that hinting Chase had superhero powers of her own was a good idea, but since the series had no definitive ending, I’ll reserve judgment on that.
I’m also unconvinced that the series had many more interesting stories left. Johnson and Williams told the story of Chase and her sister confronting their father’s secret hero career, and Chase explained what that meant for her own professional career in Chase #8. In one sense, the series could always have become a peripatetic trip through the corners of the DCU, but once Chase confronted her powers and perhaps her freeloading boyfriend, what’s left? I could see this being a 25-issue series, but that probably wasn’t the plan, and it definitely wasn’t what happened.
Chase’s appearances in the included Secret Files issues certainly don’t indicate there was a need for more stories. These backups are interesting if you simply want more Chase and DEO, but there’s no desperate reason for them to exist other than that, except as page filler. The best of the lot was The Joker: Last Laugh Secret Files, in which Chase and another agent, who survived a botched attack on Gorilla Grodd, interview survivors of the Joker’s attacks. The idea is better than the story, which needed more room to breathe but was still worth reading. The rest tend to blend together, an impression that is strengthened by the reprint editor’s refusal to label these Secret File stories. Evidently, some were tied to a specific storyline; adding footnotes or explanatory text would have helped clarify the incident in Kansas that everyone is alluding to but not explaining. A note that is included from the original printing of (what I’m assuming is) DC Universe Secret Files #1 says Chase’s fight with “Buzzword” (again, I’m assuming, as the name is mentioned only tangentially) is shown from Chase’s perspective in DCU Heroes Secret Files #1. However, that issue isn’t included; why is that? (Was it not published? Not very good? Not included for some other reason?)
I can see why this series is beloved by some. It was certainly ahead of its time, both as a precursor of J.H. Williams’s stardom and as a more grounded, broadly focused look at a superhero universe. I enjoyed and would read more, if it existed. That doesn’t mean the series was great, though it does mean it was better than a lot of other series that lived through horrible patches at about the same time. At $30 for more than 300 pages, Chase is certainly worth a look.

Labels: 2011 December, 3.5, Chase, Dan Curtis Johnson, DC, DEO, Gotham City, J.H. Williams III
I've seen people clamoring for this series to get collected for years now, but I never actually knew what it was about until your review. Sounds pretty interesting, and it seems like a pretty good value too (by the standards of TPB pricing these days).
DC continually impresses me with the value they provide. I'm a Marvel man -- obviously, just looking at what I choose to review -- but they continually offer better deals than Marvel on collections of older material. Now, the paper used in Chase isn't the same as used in, say, the Clone Saga collections, but I don't much care about that.
I totally agree. Earlier today I was searching Amazon for the TPB versions Grant Morrison's JLA run, and the low price points of the first two volumes ($19.99 and $24.99, respectively) floored me. If it were Marvel producing those trades, I'm sure they would each have been at least $10 more.
The only area where that doesn't hold true is in their hardcovers. They tend to charge more than Marvel does for less content, and with far inferior production values. I'm sure you know this already, but coming from personal experience, the binding for their more expensive hardcovers is simply atrocious.
You know, I don't think I've ever bought a DC hardcover -- checked them out of the library, but I've never bought one. Huh.
Marvel's price point is out of whack -- look at the reprint of Spider-Man: Identity Crisis: eight issues (200 pages), $25. This isn't even a crossover that anyone cares about! It's the last thing they did before the Gathering of the Five put an end to half the Spider-titles! And for $5 dollars, you can get a longer, more coherent story with better art in Chase!
I can answer some questions you raised about what was and wasn't included in this Chase trade. The collection includes the DCU Villains Secret Files Chase story (the one that says to see also DCU Heroes), but the DCU Heroes Secret Files story isn't included because it was written by Dan Johnson only, and not Johnson and JH Williams.
The "incident" in Kansas has to do with the Superman: Our Worlds at War crossover from that era; I believe the OWAW Secret Files is one of the stories included.
There's also a big lump of Chase material that took place in the Martian Manhunter series, written by John Ostrander (which itself deserves a collection), that's alluded to but also not shown.
I frankly never thought we'd see a Chase collection ever, so I was pleased for it to come out but at the same time, it offers only a partial Chase reading experience. As you note, this is much more a JH Williams collection than a Chase collection.
If you're interested, here's my review of Chase. Thanks!
It's funny you mention the Spider-Man: Identity Crisis trade, as I think I was one of maybe five people who was excited when it first showed up on Amazon. I actually liked what I read of that story back in the day, and I've wanted it in collected format for a while. The original printing of that trade is pretty hard to find, since it's been out of print for well over a decade.
Your point is completely taken, though -- the price point is way too high, especially given that it's something that will really only probably appeal to people like me who have a weird nostalgia for that time in comics. Similar to the comparison you drew between that trade and Chase, the JLA trade I mentioned is $5 less than the Spier-Man one, and is more than 50 pages longer.
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